Friday, January 22, 2010


I imagine you would like to see some photo's of where I am? What my life is like? You ask, I deliver -

Here is the surprisingly not bad view from my room's balcony, as of last night. 

This is one of Mermaid's Kit Buses... I Kia Pickup with a canopy, benches, and a place to sit! I had a great shot of the interior of the kit area but I accidentally deleted it right after I took it, and the truck had moved on! Try and snap one tomorrow...

Here's a lovely picture of Traffic from the back of the Truck, and one for my mom!
My bare feet dangling over the tailgate! Rode like that the whole 45min journey to Samae San. Quite comfy. Just don't kick your feet out. Showing the soles of your feet to a Thai is considered very rude.

Here's everyone on the forward deck of MM3 with all their kit ready to be assembled on the tanks.You can see some of the other boats and the pier in the background...

Last, but surely not least, the view from the top sundeck on MM3, on our way to the dive sites.

Well, that's all for now. Will try and take some more pictures over the next few days... I'd like a few of Pattaya, it's bars, stray dogs/cats, people, dirt. It's a unique place. Hard to express how "unique" through photo and word alone... i really think you need to smell it!

See you later, B

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