Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Chrsitmas" #2

Well the last 2 days have been nice and relaxing. Yesterday, yes, I slept in! It was a day of not doing much. Mom and I spent close to an hour chopping an inch off the trunk of her christmas tree. All for better water absorption! It was quite the sight, her sitting on the wrapped tree, and me in my pj's and sneakers sawing like a madman through the thick trunk with the teeniest of saws! We got so frustrated in the end (surprise again!) we busted out the big guns. Two jigsaw blades and more frantic sawing later, we were done. We then hauled the seemingly petite tree up the stairs, leaving a trail of fir needles to be embedded in the carpet. The trunk fit into its new stand with only a little massaging, and soon stood in all its 8 foot glory tightly wound in twine. The snips came out, and in no time at all we began to fear of a death brought on by smothering of fir boughs. The tree was expanding beyond anything we imagined, breaking loose from its polyethylene bonds! Honest, it was that dramatic. In the words of my youngest sister Abby, "Yeah, it's big."

   The rest of Friday was spent lounging, running errands with my mom, and eating. Errands was more exciting than hoped, as I bumped into quite a few familiar faces. Cindy Rusnak, Akiko Allen, the old Staples Crew, and even faces i knew with no names to go along! After dinner that evening, Mom, Abby, and I headed to the Qwanlin Cinema to watch New Moon (of the Twilight Saga).

   Okay, now I'm going to rant a bit. These Whitehorse/Yukon/Qwanlin Cinema's are absolutely hurting. Every citizen should stop going to the movies, and force Landmark Cinemas to do something about it all. The screens are ancient and very nearly hung on the roof! You sit mid-theatre and you need to crane your neck. And don't even get me started on the sound... Salmon Arm's Cinemas are are community run and owned through the Salmar Community Association. All of their profits go into the cinemas or the community. Not only do they have one 4xMultiplex built by them in 1997, they still use their old Cinema with modern Digital Projectors. If a small place like Salmon Arm with so many other activities available can provide a quality, cheap (Matinees $5, Film Society Saturday Screenings $6) movie going experience, why is Whitehorse so behind the ball? No wonder my parents never wanted to come to the movies with us.

   Now I could bore you with a rant on the Twilight Saga, if you're still reading. Or, I could send you to read another blog or 2.
My thoughts on the twilight franchise...ALL of them
Twilight Saga: The legal way to take advantage of little girls

   Tonight mom and I are heading into town for some dinner, then we'll be picking megan up from work and heading home for our Christmas! Abby and I exchanged gifts earlier today, before she left with Steve for Dance class. After Christmas this evening? Dancing in Coasters with Rory, Kate and Joel! Perhaps others aswell... it should be an awesome time. About time my liver took a hit, eh?

    Mom and I also had a photo session today after she snapped Abby's school picture! Here is one of my favourite shots:

I cannot wait to see Tara. I am getting so excited!

Well, See you later,

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